Crystals have been associated with astrology and sun signs for centuries. In ancient times have been used for healing and warding off the dangers. Crystals were also honored by the power they had and could be used for money and / or trade in objects, only the wealthy or healers always takes several crystals.
Today the use of crystals has become a bit "more sophisticated, and some would say science. Now there are detailed astrology charts and programs that work outside theirdate, exact time and exact place of birth information and the details of his personality, life and the challenges they may face can be read to you.
Now we're in the sun of Capricorn, so I'll cover some of the basics of Capricorn. The stones are RED ONYX Capricorn and Garnet. Onyx can be heavy and a little energy balance "that can put out of garnet and the lightness of his life. Garnets also inspires love and devotion and commitment could be a greatring.
Azurite is benefiting from a spiritual aspect, which helps to open your intuition, helps develop the spiritual guidance and wisdom, inner freedom.
AMBER helps ward off dark moods that may affect the goat, which is also good as a clean interior and reviving the soul. Amber can dissolve and eliminate the disease from the body and stimulate healing.
It is important to carry these crystals with you every day and the perfect receptacle to do with the hand woven basket amuletnecklace that I created, be sure to check it out on my website.
Thought for the day: "When it develops to the point that his faith in himself is so strong that you know you can do anything you set your mind, your future will be unlimited." -Brian Tracy
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